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Thank you for being part of Ohio University Columbus Alumni Network. We have approximately 40,000 Bobcat alumni in this region and even more loyal supporters!

If you are a regular at our events or attend one every few years, thank you for your past support and we can’t wait to see you again. If you are new alumnus to the area, thank you for visiting our website. Please join our mailing list in the Get Involved area so we can let you know about our next happening.

We focus on creating a strong value for OU’s alumni in central Ohio. We strive to create engagement through networking events and other collaborations. But it’s not just all fun! We also work add value to our community through fellowship, an annual scholarship, and philanthropic activities.  I hope to meet you at our next event.

Go Cats!

Mallory Righter
President, Ohio University Columbus Alumni Network

Network Leadership

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Mallory Righter


2010, Fine Arts Sculpture

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Matt Desimone

Outgoing President

2005, Communications

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Mark Mace


1978, BBA in Accounting

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Thad Plumley


1992, Communications

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Bill Righter


1977, Communications

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Mallory Righter


2010, Fine Arts Sculpture


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